Micro Penis Guide
There are mostly four groups of people who visit this website:
1. Males who have a micropenis.
2. Women (or some men) who are curious about micopenes (also written micropenises) or considering a relationship with a man who has a micropenis.
3. Those who find a micropenis sexually interesting.
4. Those who want to simulate having a micropenis, such as for Small Penis Humiliation (SPH).
This site is catering to the four above groups.
A micropenis (plural, micopenes or micropenises) is a rare medical condition where a penis is abnormally small.
The average stretched penile length (SPL) for an adult male is 5.25 inches (13.335 cm).
For an adult, a micropenis is an SPL of 3.67 inches or less (9.3 cm).
Micropenis is a rare condition that may affect around 1.5 in 10,000 male newborns, or 0.015 percent of male newborns in the United States, according to estimates taken between 1997 and 2000.
In some cases hormonal treatment can be used to stimulate genital growth.
Doctors usually diagnose and treat the condition at birth.
Micropenis is an objective diagnosis made based on the meticulous measurement of the penile length. Given the significant anxiety, stress, and psychological impact, the accuracy of making the diagnosis is essential. A multidisciplinary team should manage micropenis once there is a definitive diagnosis. This finding can be isolated or part of other groups of symptoms and signs indicative of hormonal abnormalities or genetics association. National Library of Medicine: Micropenis
sexual function
Most men with a micropenis have normal sexual functionality. A micropenis doesn nto interfere with a mans ability to urinate, masturbate, or orgasm. Some men with a micropenis have difficult urinating standing up.
Anxiety about penis size and possible partner reactions can be a barrier to enjoying sex with a partner. There are many ways to have sex other than just penis inserted into vagina sex. More than 80% of women are unable to orgasm from vaginal penetration alone. Many women thoroughly enjoy oral sex. There are pleasurable choices.
small penis syndrome
Some men with average size or slightly below averge size penis (but still well within the limits of a normal size penis are worried that their penis is too small or that partners might judge them for their penis size.
Men with small penis syndrome feel shame and anxiety about penis size. They may mistakenly believe that they have a micropenis, even when their penis size is normal.
Some men mistakenly believe that theiy have a micropenis because they are comparing themselves to the large male genitals common in pornography.
Some of the common symptoms of small penis syndrome include: a mistaken belief they have a micropenis or a penis that is unusually small despite evidence to the contrary, feeling ashamed or embarassed about their own penis size, distorted views of penis size, constantly comparing the size of their penis to others, placing a high value on penis size, anxiety that interferes with having sex with a partner, anxiety-caused reduced sexual function, anxiety-caused reduced ability to have an erection, or anxiety-caused reduced ability to have an orgasm.
Erection and ejaculation are two different biological activities and it is possible to ejaculate without an erection.
Sissies and others who might use male chastity cages (not all sissies engage in chastity play) have discovered that even though their male chastity prevents an erection, they can still ejaculate and hve an orgasm normally. This often takes anal stimulation (especially stimulation of the prostate) or vibrations from sex toys or both.
While non-sissies can and do sometimes enjoy male chastity cage play, male chastity has become associated with sissies and an orgasm while wearing a male chastity is often called a sissygasm.
It is possible for a man with an average or even large penis to simulate a micropenis through the use of male chastity and a small or tiny cage.
When combined with sissification, the use of a chastity that encases the shrunken simulated micropenis inside a molded vagina can be used.